What is an Academic Congress?
It is the academic activities in which individuals (academicians, doctoral students, graduate students, etc.) present their academic studies with motives such as academic incentives, associate professorship application, appointment, promotion, and graduation, and then the abstract book and full-text book are published.
What is the InTraders International Congress of Education and Social Sciences (Congress)?
It is an academic activity consisting of an organizing board, secretariat, advisory board and scientific board consisting mainly of volunteer academic people. Individuals are included in the appointment/promotion criteria due to the criterion of being in an academic organization.
How do you form your boards?
The information of the people who request our boards through social networks or by e-mail is examined and finalized by our advisory board member/members. Contact e-mail: intradersmay@gmail.com
How are the boards supervised?
It is for the operation of the processes in line with the recommendations of our advisory board members. Those who disrupt their processes as a result of the distribution of tasks are notified to the secretariat with the advice of the advisory board and the secretariat notifies them through communication channels. The webmaster is notified to update the groups.
What is your congress writing-presentation language? Who can participate?
In order to increase the chances of international index submissions and international citation of studies, the congress writing-presentation language is English. Only the works of research assistants and academicians are accepted. (The work of a graduate student will not be evaluated even if submitted with his/her advisor. We recommend those in this situation to attend student congresses). Congress Full Text Book will be submitted to WOS Proceeding Index.
How are the studies submitted to congress accepted/rejected?
Studies are accepted or rejected by the scientific committee volunteers according to the following criteria.
Abstracts that are outside the scope of the congress will not be accepted.
Abstract evaluation criteria;
1-Being within the scope of the Congress subject
2-Academic language suitability
3-Includes analysis
4-Findings, conclusions and discussion sections.
Full texts are subject to two blind peer reviews.
Who can organize an Academic Congress?
When different congresses are examined, they are activities in which academicians and/or doctoral and graduate students who have boards, publish/try to publish, and/or doctoral and graduate students take part voluntarily. Since the academic congress is the process of examining and publishing scientific studies, it consists of academic people. There are no restrictions on who can be on the boards in the legislation of Higher Education Institutions and Universities.
Are your congress publications; abstracts and full-text books paid?
Our congress books are free. The conference books are indexed in EBSCO Ebook and ProQuest Ebook database. The books are licensed under the Commons (CC), International License CC BY-NC. Our books can be downloaded, cited, and added to web pages and databases without prior permission.
Do you share citations to your congresses and publications?
Yes, we do. You can access the citations of our publications from the link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=tr&user=GFlvsOwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
What do you do to get your publications cited?
he conference books are indexed in EBSCO Ebook and ProQuest Ebook database. In order to increase our citations, we upload our works to academic pages such as google academic, share to university libraries, open access, free download/upload, etc. We apply for databases such as WOS Proceeding Index.
What is your contact e-mail for other questions?
Our e-mail address for all your questions is intraderswinter@gmail.com