Foreign Market Research
InTraders Academic Platform, International Trade Congress is a non-profit academic organization aiming to contribute to the international congress of international trade with the titles of October Congress, May Congress, Academic Journal and Foreign Market Research.
The InTraders Team consists of people who have committed themselves to foreign trade. The Congress is not for commercial purposes, it is a thesis/article/ field review on issues related to international trade. aims to provide scholarship/finance to researchers aiming to complete their work. Such announcements are made on the Facebook Congress Group page of the Congress.
The installation was approved by InTraders International Trade Academic Journal Dergipark, its e-ISSN was obtained and it published its first publication in December 2018 and called for an article calling for new issues. Our journal, which will publish twice a year, will also publish special numbers in congresses.
The language of the Congress is Turkish and English. The presentation language of the Congress is English. All presentations will be in English. Full text can be prepared in Turkish or English.
You can contact for cooperation.