Event Link: https://utlkongre2024.kayseri.edu.tr/
The International Trade and Logistics 2024 Congress (UTL 2024), organized by Kayseri University Faculty of Applied Sciences, will be held on December 19-20, 2024, hosted by Kayseri University.
Our congress will be carried out with the collaboration and support of the relevant departments of the following universities:
• Alfraganus University, Uzbekistan
• International Balkan University, Macedonia
• International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• KTO Karatay University
• Necmettin Erbakan University
• Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University
• Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University
• Sivas Cumhuriyet University
The main theme of our congress is International Trade and Logistics, and within the scope of this theme and related subtopics, all kinds of scientific studies will be presented both face-to-face and online. Our aim is to contribute to the academic world with high-quality contributions while strengthening cooperation between International Trade and Logistics departments and supporting developments in this field.
We are excited and proud to organize this congress with the contributions of these esteemed universities. In order to strengthen cooperation between International Trade and Logistics departments and contribute to academic studies in this field, we invite all participants to this important event.