Publication Policy

Publication Policy

1. InTraders Conferences are international, peer-reviewed and scientific conferences. It publishes in accordance with the publication principles listed below.

2. InTraders aims to contribute to the development of science at the national and international levels by creating a platform where scientific studies can be published.

3.InTraders; It publishes original scientific research in the fields of educatona and social scienses topics.

4. InTraders publishes scientific studies in English language.

5. InTraders publishes, it offers all issues in the archive section of its congress pages free of charge to open access;

6. The author/authors declare and undertake that the article submitted to InTraders for evaluation for publication has not been published, accepted for publication, or sent to another journal for publication, in Türkiye and/or abroad, in Turkish or any other language before.

7. Author(s) has/have; Patent rights, intellectual property rights, including copyright, of the author(s) or, if any, of the author(s) employer are reserved.

8. All legal and scientific responsibilities regarding the content of the articles published in InTraders belong to the author(s).

9. InTraders does not pay royalties for work.

10. InTraders receives registration fee that mentioned in “registration fee“section.

11. InTraders published articles can be quoted by showing the source.

12. InTraders permits readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print and use for any legal purpose the articles in the InTraders Books by citing the source.

13. InTraders undertakes not to publish in violation of publication ethics and all articles submitted to the InTraders are subject to plagiarism/similarity control by the editor.

14. Whether the article submitted to InTraders is covered; The editor checks whether it is uploaded to the system correctly/completely and whether the article is prepared properly.

15. InTraders double-blind referee evaluation system is used. The “positive” opinion of at least two referees is sought for the acceptance of the article for publication. If one of the referees gives a “positive” and the other a “negative” opinion, the article is sent to a third referee. The editor completes the referee evaluation process by sending two “positive” referee opinions to the Editorial Board.

16. The Editorial Board makes the final decision for the publication of all articles that have two “positive” referee opinions.

17. For the articles accepted for publication, a “Certificate of Acceptance for Publication” signed by the editor is sent upon the request of the author.

18. Uses information such as names, titles and e-mail addresses shared on the journal website only for the stated purposes of this InTraders Organization; It is not used for any other purpose or made available to other people.

19. InTraders accepts the Open Access Principles set forth in the Budapest Open Access Initiative. InTraders has accepted the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

20. InTraders is committed to applying publication ethics to the highest standards and to following the practise guide prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics).

21. InTraders is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International License.