The conference was held with the opening speech of Rector, Prof. Dr. Fatih SAVAŞAN, Sakarya University at the SAU Culture and Congress Center and invited speakers from the Romanian University of Craiova. Prof. Dr. Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea, India K.C. From Group Of Institutions Prof. Dr. Rashmi Gujrati, from Istanbul Medipol University, Assoc. Dr.Omar Khalid Bhatti. It began with the speeches of Omar Khalid Bhatti and Gurkan Kavrazli. Afterward, Jean-Denis Miala Ndombele from the University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, PhD Faculty Member Yurdagül Meral. PhD Faculty Member Nurten Polat Dede’s speech continued. Gürkan Kavrazlı and Halit Kaya contributed to the Congress with the workshop titled Supply Chain Management.
The Congress, which started on April 15 and lasted two days, followed by a trip to Sakarya and a three-day Istanbul trip.
InTraders International Trade Academic Journal, English Economy Blog and International Market Research headings aiming to contribute to the field of international trade will be held in Sakarya University on October 7-8-9 2019 with international trade, business, economics and supply chain management.