InTraders International Trade Academic Journal Broadcast range: July-December The journal's main subject is international trade. For 2024 and beyond, it accepts economy-based studies outside international trade and original studies on tourism issues. Manuscript language: English (Should not include abstracts in languages other than English. ).
Event Link: The International Trade and Logistics 2024 Congress (UTL 2024), organized by Kayseri University Faculty of Applied Sciences, will be held on December 19-20, 2024, hosted by Kayseri University. Our congress will be carried out with the collaboration and support of the relevant departments of the following universities: • Alfraganus University, Uzbekistan • …
Event Link: Conference Topics Social Sciences Titles: Sociology, Psychology, Communication Studies, Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Social Work, Philosophy, Economics, Business Administration, Labor Economics, Human Resources, International, Finance, Econometrics, Political Science and Public Administration, Law, Islamic Economics and Finance, Management Informatics Systems, Health Management, International Trade, Logistics, Sports Science Studies, Sports, Nutrition Education Titles: Distance Education, Higher Education, …
Article Call to December 2024 Issue. Articles submitted after 01 November 2024 will be evaluated for the July 2025 issue. Journal Link:
By Damla ÇEVİK AKA Supplier selection is one of the most critical processes in a food industry. The requirement for manufacturers to work with different suppliers for many materials often requires them to plan their supply systems separately. Supplier selection in the food industry is one of the multi-criteria decision-making problems that food businesses need to …
Is everything good? I can see the expression on your face. no problem. because every moment is in your hands to turn a new possibility into an opportunity. I’ve had a crappy last three months when everything was fine. I managed a crappy process well, at least by staying calm and cool. For the first …
Event Link: InTraders International Conferences on Social Sciences and Education aim to be able to publish scientific research of researchers; aims to create a platform that will contribute to academic development and increase the number of qualified academic studies. Conference main topics; education and social science studies. The written and presentation language is English. InTraders …
Event Link: InTraders International Conferences on Social Sciences and Education aim to be able to publish scientific research of researchers; aims to create a platform that will contribute to academic development and increase the number of qualified academic studies. Conference main topics; education and social science studies. The written and presentation language is English. InTraders Conferences …
AbstractTurkish Grand National Assembly, which constituted the Republic of Turkiye, has contributed to democracy since 1923. In this study, international agreements, which the Grand Assemblyapproved during the 26th legislative period, are discussed with the analysis of ideal points. The most important feature of this period, although in 2016 there was a military coup attemptagainst the …
Event Link: The 8th InTraders International Conference On Social Sciences and Education, 24-28 October 2022 (2 Days Presentation +3 days Conference Social Day Activities), Hotel Sultania (Old İstanbul Region), İstanbul, Turkey